G.S.A. business cards


SKU: GENESIS Category:


Custom print, trim and laser die cut a total of 21500 business cards – standard size flat 2″ x 3.5″, no score etc., with approximately one third of the card laser die cut with a bee-hive style mesh pattern (when designing please be mindful of leaving enough material in the mesh to deliver a lasting card that is not too fragile). Printed 4/4 on 120# digital white house stock cover, un-coated. Customer to supply print ready, high resolution, to size file with bleed (.ai, .psd, .pdf). Customer to supply die line file for cutting. Preferred file format is an Adobe Illustrator Vector file (.ai) Other formats will require additional set up preparations and production time/cost to prepare for laser cutting. The breakdown of names for cards are 8/1000 & 27/500.